Steve, am the leader and founder of Stevenism.
I am God. Through the years I have followed
the Buddah into both the light and dark, and
have found my happy medium. Not through meditation,
or a life of chasity, but a life of doing
whatever I please, and what pleases me is
to create my own religion. My goal, through
Stevenism, is to create a world of peace and
prosper without giving up all the things that
make life great, like drugs, sex and rock
and roll. Born the first son of a Tester,
I was brought up to believe that life was
all about work and money and everything else
came second. Raised by a nurse I was brought
up to believe that you must treat everyone
with respect and bow down to those stronger
than you. |
years I had toiled to create a belief of
my own, I believed in what my father and
my aunt had taught me, but their opinions
were conflicting, such as the first and
second testiments of the Holy Bible. The
Old Testiment teaches one "Eye for
an Eye" (father) while the New Testiment
contradicts this with "Turn the Other
Cheek" (aunt).
one day I got backed into a corner, there
was absolutly no escape, no "fight
or flight" only "fight" was
left. As a passive young man I did not believe
I could do this. It was at this moment I
realized there was a Neo-Testiment, a way
to "fight through flight". Basically,
when you're backed into a corner hit whatever's
coming at you with a big stick and then
run like hell. It's not fighting, nor is
it running away, but rather backing off
and re-evaluating the situation before proceeding.
It was not a belief, but rather an idea.
I discovered Steveopia.
this day I have walked alone amoung a sea
of sheep. I have listened to the flock squabble
amoungst themselves, I have listened and
I have laughed and I have cried. Laughed
at cock-eyed beliefs, and cried for what
we have lost because of those cock-eyed
beliefs. I have taught many people, but
more importantly I have learned from those
I have taught. I have learned to let go,
I have learned to be free.
isn't about money or work or power or lack
of power or treating everyone with respect.
Those are the things that make life great.
Work to make money to afford the luxuries
in life, treat those who deserve respect
with respect, knowlege is power and the
only true knowlege is that you know nothing.
Life is about following your own path. Follow
me to a new Nirvana in Steveopia, where
I am King. And you can be too.